166.275. 1. Any amount of the difference by which the total amountappropriated by the state to school districts, in accordance with ajudgment or order based on the equal protection clause of the fourteenthamendment to the Constitution of the United States, for fiscal year 1999 isless than the amount appropriated for the same purpose in fiscal year 1994in addition to any unexpended appropriation for the 1998 fiscal year thatresults in additional unobligated resources for the state in fiscal year1999 shall be transferred to the state school moneys fund and distributedin the manner provided in section 163.031, RSMo.
2. If the total amount appropriated by the state to school districts,in accordance with a judgment or order based on the equal protection clauseof the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution of the United States, forfiscal year 2000 or any subsequent fiscal year is less than the amountappropriated for the same purpose in fiscal year 1999, any amount of thedifference in addition to any unexpended appropriation for the prior fiscalyear that results in additional unobligated resources for the statebeginning in fiscal year 2000 shall be distributed as follows:
(1) Up to the first seventy-five million dollars of such funds, orsuch lesser amount determined by appropriation to be sufficient to fullyfund subsections 1 and 2 of section 163.031, RSMo, shall be transferred tothe state school moneys fund and distributed in the manner provided insection 163.031, RSMo; and
(2) Beginning in fiscal year 2000, after distributing funds pursuantto subdivision (1) of this subsection, the next twenty-five milliondollars, or such lesser amount determined by appropriation to besufficient, of the remaining funds shall be transferred to fully fundincreases in appropriations for transportation categorical aid providedpursuant to section 163.031, RSMo, and any remainder of such twenty-fivemillion dollars shall be transferred to fund other categorical state aidprovided pursuant to section 163.031, RSMo; provided that, for school year1999-2000 only, such increase in transportation funding may be placed bydistricts in their capital projects fund and shall be placed as otherwiseprovided by law in all other years; and
(3) After distributing funds pursuant to subdivisions (1) and (2) ofthis subsection, any remaining funds, or such amount determined byappropriation to be sufficient to fully fund subsections 1 and 2 of section163.031, RSMo, shall be transferred to the state school moneys fund anddistributed in the manner provided in section 163.031, RSMo.
(L. 1993 S.B. 380 ยง 8 subsec. 2, A.L. 1995 S.B. 301, A.L. 1998 S.B. 781, A.L. 2005 S.B. 287)Effective 7-01-06
*Contingent expiration date. See section 143.107.
(1996) Contingent referendum provision was found to be an unconstitutional delegation of legislative authority thereby making section 143.107 void. Akin v. Director of Revenue, 934 S.W.2d 295 (Mo.banc).