169.076. 1. If a member dies before service retirement and is notsurvived by a beneficiary under a valid beneficiary designation filed withthe retirement system or all designated beneficiaries have disclaimed theright to receive benefits from the retirement system, the followingindividuals shall be deemed to be the member's designated beneficiaries, inthe following order of precedence, for the purpose of making an electionand receiving benefits under paragraph (a) or (b) of subdivision (2) ofsubsection 3 of section 169.070 or section 169.075:
(1) Surviving spouse at the time of the member's death;
(2) Surviving children eligible to receive benefits under section169.075 at the time of the member's death, share and share alike;
(3) Surviving children not eligible to receive benefits under section169.075 at the time of the member's death, share and share alike;
(4) Surviving dependent parents eligible for a benefit under section169.075 at the time of the member's death, share and share alike;
(5) Surviving parents, share and share alike;
(6) Estate.
2. The member's most recent valid designation of a beneficiaryreceived by the retirement system prior to the member's death revokes allprevious designations in their entirety. The member's marriage, divorce,withdrawal of accumulated contributions, or the birth of the member'schild, or the member's adoption of a child, shall result in an automaticrevocation of the member's previous designation in its entirety upon theretirement system receiving actual notice of such event before or after themember's death and prior to any payments being made under the provisions ofthis chapter. This section applies to all beneficiary designations filedwith the retirement system before or after August 28, 2005, under whichpayments have not been made under this chapter. This section shall notapply to the member's designation of a beneficiary to receive a monthlybenefit upon the death of the member under subdivision (1) of subsection 3of section 169.070.
(L. 2005 H.B. 443)