169.130. 1. Any person, duly certified under the law governing thecertification of teachers, employed full time as a teacher by the divisionof youth services prior to August 13, 1986, who did not become a member ofthe Missouri state employees' retirement system under section 104.342,RSMo, is a member of the public school retirement system of Missouri. Anysuch person who becomes a member before the end of the school year nextfollowing July 18, 1948, may claim and receive credit for prior service.The contributions required to be made by the member's employer shall bepaid from appropriations to the institution by which the member isemployed.
2. Any person, duly certified under the law governing thecertification of teachers, employed full time as a teacher by a division ofthe state department of social services prior to August 13, 1986, who didnot become a member of the Missouri state employees' retirement systemunder section 104.342, RSMo, who renders services in a school whosestandards of education are set and which is supervised by a public schoolofficer of the county in which the school is located, by the department ofelementary and secondary education or by the coordinating board for highereducation is a member of the public school retirement system of Missouri.Any such member who becomes a member before the end of the school year nextfollowing August 29, 1953, may claim and receive credit for prior service.
3. Any person, duly certified under the law governing thecertification of teachers, employed full time as a teacher by the sectionof inmate education of the department of corrections prior to August 13,1986, who did not become a member of the Missouri state employees'retirement system under section 104.342, RSMo, is a member of the publicschool retirement system of Missouri. Any such person who becomes a memberbefore the end of the school year next following August 29, 1959, may claimand receive credit for prior service. For purposes of this subsection"prior service" means service rendered by a member of the retirement systembefore the system becomes operative with respect to persons employed by thesection of inmate education, and may include service rendered by a memberof the armed forces during a period of war, if the member was a teacher atthe time he was inducted, for which credit has been approved by the boardof trustees.
4. Any person, duly certificated under the law governing thecertification of teachers, employed full time by any statewide nonprofiteducational association or organization serving on an educationalprofessional basis through its membership the active members of the publicschool retirement system of Missouri or the public school districtsmaintaining high schools in this state, may be a member of the publicschool retirement system of Missouri. Any such person who becomes a memberbefore July 1, 1955, may claim and receive credit for prior service. Thecontributions required to be made by the member's employer shall be paid bythe association or organization. After June 30, 2010, no additionalnonprofit educational associations or organizations may have theiremployees become members of the public school retirement system of Missourior the public education employee retirement system of Missouri.
5. Any person, duly certificated under the law governing thecertification of teachers, employed full time, and whose duties includeparticipation in the educational program of the department of mentalhealth, in either a teaching or supervisory teaching capacity prior toAugust 13, 1986, who did not become a member of the Missouri stateemployees' retirement system under section 104.342, RSMo, shall, afterAugust 7, 1969, be a member of the public school retirement system, but anysuch person whose employment with the department of mental health commencedprior to August 7, 1969, may elect not to become a member by so notifyingthe department of mental health in writing within thirty days after August7, 1969.
(L. 1947 V. II p. 325 ยง 15, A.L. 1953 p. 480, A.L. 1955 p. 525, A.L. 1959 H.B. 258, A.L. 1969 p. 281, A.L. 1978 S.B. 906, A.L. 1986 H.B. 1496, A.L. 1990 H.B. 974, A.L. 2009 H.B. 265)