169.331. 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of sections 169.270to 169.400 to the contrary, a retired certificated teacher receiving aretirement benefit from the retirement system established pursuant tosections 169.270 to 169.400 may, without losing his or her retirementbenefit, teach full time for up to two years for a school district coveredby such retirement system; provided that the school district has a shortageof certified teachers, as determined by the school district. The totalnumber of such retired certificated teachers shall not exceed, at any onetime, fifteen certificated teachers.
2. The employer's contribution rate shall be paid by the hiringschool district and the employee's contribution rate shall be paid by theemployee.
3. Any additional actuarial costs resulting from the hiring of aretired certificated teacher pursuant to the provisions of this sectionshall be paid by the hiring school district.
4. In order to hire teachers pursuant to the provisions of thissection, the school district shall:
(1) Show a good faith effort to fill positions with nonretiredcertificated teachers;
(2) Post the vacancy for at least one month;
(3) Have not offered early retirement incentives for either of theprevious two years;
(4) Solicit applications through the local newspaper, other media, orteacher education programs;
(5) Determine there is an insufficient number of eligible applicantsfor the advertised position; and
(6) Declare a critical shortage of certificated teachers that isactive for one year.
5. Any person hired pursuant to this section shall be included in theState Director of New Hires for purposes of income and eligibilityverification pursuant to 42 U.S.C. Section 1320b-7.
(L. 2003 H.B. 346 & 174)