169.475. 1. Any retired member now receiving pension benefits, whoserved five years or more as an employee of the school district and whoretired after June 30, 1957, and prior to January 1, 1971, shall, uponapplication to the retirement system, be employed by that retirement systemas a special school advisor and supervisor. Any person so employed shallperform such duties as the board of trustees directs, and shall receive asalary of five dollars per month for each year of service not to exceedseventy-five dollars per month, payable by the retirement system as part ofits administrative costs, but the payment to the retired person for suchservices, together with the pension benefits the person receives, shall notexceed one hundred fifty dollars per month. The employment provided for bythis subsection shall in no way affect any person's eligibility for pensionbenefits or for employment pursuant to other subsections of this section.
2. Any retired member now receiving pension benefits, who served tenyears or more as an employee of the school district and who retired priorto January 1, 1955, shall, upon application to the retirement system beemployed by that retirement system as a special school advisor andsupervisor. Any person so employed shall perform such duties as the boardof trustees directs, and shall receive a salary of two hundred fiftydollars per month payable by the retirement system as part of itsadministrative costs, but payment to the retired person for such servicesshall be reduced by the pension benefits the person receives. Theemployment provided for by this subsection shall in no way affect anyperson's eligibility for pension benefits or for employment pursuant toother subsections of this section, subject to the limitation set forth insubsection 3 of this section.
3. Any retired member now receiving pension benefits who retiredprior to January 1, 1976, shall, upon application to the retirement system,be employed by that retirement system as a school consultant. Any personso employed shall perform such duties as the board of trustees directs, andshall receive a salary equal to four dollars per month for each year (ormajor portion of a year) between the date of the person's retirement andDecember 31, 1981, plus two dollars per month for each year (or majorportion of a year) between January 1, 1982, and December 31, 1984, and, inaddition, shall be entitled to receive the insurance benefits providedretired members pursuant to section 169.476 payable by the retirementsystem as part of its administrative costs. The employment provided for bythis subsection shall in no way affect any person's eligibility for pensionbenefits or for employment pursuant to other subsections of this section,provided that total salaries payable to any retired member pursuant tosubsections 2 and 3 of this section shall not exceed two hundred fiftydollars per month.
4. Any retired member now receiving pension benefits who retired onor after January 1, 1976, and prior to December 31, 1984, shall, uponapplication to the retirement system, be employed by the retirement systemas a school consultant. Any person so employed shall perform such dutiesas the board of trustees directs and shall receive a salary equal to fourdollars per month for each year (or major portion of a year) between thedate of the person's retirement and December 31, 1984, and, in addition,shall be entitled to receive the insurance benefits provided retiredmembers pursuant to section 169.476 payable by the retirement system aspart of its administrative costs. The employment provided for by thissubsection shall in no way affect any person's eligibility for pensionbenefits or for employment pursuant to other subsections of this section.
5. Any retired member now receiving pension benefits or who retiresprior to December 31, 1986, shall, after application to the retirementsystem, be employed by the retirement system as a school consultant. Anyperson so employed shall perform such duties as the board of trusteesdirects and shall receive a salary equal to two dollars per month for eachyear (or major portion of a year) between the date of the person'sretirement and December 31, 1986, payable by the retirement system as partof its administrative costs. The employment provided for by thissubsection shall in no way affect any person's eligibility for pensionbenefits or for employment pursuant to other subsections of this section.
6. Any retired member now receiving pension benefits or who retiresprior to December 31, 1988, shall, after application to the retirementsystem, be employed by the retirement system as a school consultant. Anyperson so employed shall perform such duties as the board of trusteesdirects and shall receive a salary equal to two dollars per month for eachyear (or major portion of a year) between the date of the person'sretirement and December 31, 1988, payable by the retirement system as partof its administrative costs. The employment provided for by thissubsection shall in no way affect any person's eligibility for pensionbenefits or for employment pursuant to other subsections of this section.
7. Any retired member now receiving pension benefits or who retiresprior to December 31, 1990, shall, after application to the retirementsystem, be employed by the retirement system as a school consultant. Anyperson so employed shall perform such duties as the board of trusteesdirects and shall receive a salary equal to two dollars per month for eachyear (or major portion of a year) between the date of the person'sretirement and December 31, 1990, not to exceed ten years, payable by theretirement system as part of its administrative costs. The employmentprovided for by this subsection shall in no way affect any person'seligibility for pension benefits or for employment pursuant to othersubsections of this section.
8. Any retired member now receiving pension benefits or who retiresprior to December 31, 1993, shall, after application to the retirementsystem, be employed by the retirement system as a school consultant. Anyperson so employed shall perform such duties as the board of trusteesdirects and shall receive a salary equal to three dollars per month foreach year (or major portion of a year) between the date of the person'sretirement and December 31, 1993, payable by the retirement system as partof its administrative costs. The employment provided by this subsectionshall in no way affect any person's eligibility for pension benefits or foremployment pursuant to other subsections of this section.
9. Any retired member now receiving pension benefits with fifteenyears or more creditable service at retirement, shall, after application tothe retirement system, be employed by the retirement system as aconsultant. Any person so employed shall, upon the request of the board oftrustees, give the board, orally or in writing, a short detailed statementof the problems of retirement under the current monthly benefits. Ascompensation for the obligation to perform the extra duty imposed by thissubsection, each consultant who meets the qualification prescribed insubsection 7 of this section, shall receive, in addition to all othercompensation payable pursuant to this section, an increase in compensationeach year computed on the total amount which such consultant receivespursuant to this section of one hundred percent of the increase in theconsumer price index calculated and payable in the manner specified insection 169.466. A consultant otherwise qualified to receive compensationpursuant to this subsection shall not be eligible to receive suchcompensation until the January first after he or she has been retired forat least twelve months. Any such annual increase in compensation, however,shall not exceed three percent, and the total increase in compensationpursuant to this subsection shall not exceed ten percent of the totalcompensation such consultant was receiving pursuant to this section onAugust 28, 1996. Additional compensation payable pursuant to thissubsection shall be payable by the retirement system as part of itsadministrative costs. The employment provided for in this subsection shallin no way affect any person's eligibility for pension benefits or foremployment pursuant to other subsections of this section.
10. Annually, immediately after the close of the fiscal year of theretirement system, the actuary for the system shall determine if thepayments made pursuant to the provisions of this section have impaired theactuarial soundness of the plan, and upon the actuary's certification thatthe soundness has been so impaired, the system shall bill the schooldistrict which last employed the retired person on a full-time basis forreimbursement of the amount paid to that person during the preceding fiscalyear. The school district shall forthwith accordingly reimburse theretirement system.
11. Effective January 1, 2002, all payments made pursuant to thissection shall be paid as cost-of-living benefits rather than as expenses ofthe retirement system.
(L. 1979 S.B. 392, A.L. 1981 H.B. 33, et al., A.L. 1983 S.B. 3, A.L. 1984 S.B. 407, A.L. 1986 H.B. 1216, A.L. 1988 H.B. 1100, et al., A.L. 1990 H.B. 1347, et al., A.L. 1993 S.B. 148, A.L. 1996 S.B. 860, A.L. 2001 H.B. 660)