169.585. 1. Any retired teacher now receiving retirementbenefits, who served five years or more as a teacher in thepublic schools of this state and who retired after June 30, 1957,and prior to January 1, 1971, under the provisions of thischapter, shall, upon application to the retirement system fromwhich he is receiving retirement benefits be employed by thatretirement system as a special school advisor and supervisor.Any person so employed shall perform such duties as the board oftrustees of the retirement system of which he becomes an employeedirects, and shall receive a salary of five dollars per month foreach year of teaching service not to exceed seventy-five dollarsper month, payable by the retirement system as part of itsadministrative costs, but the payment to the retired person forsuch services, together with the retirement benefits he receivesunder this chapter, shall not exceed one hundred fifty dollarsper month. The employment provided for by this section shall inno way affect any person's eligibility for retirement benefitsunder this chapter.
2. Annually, immediately after the close of the fiscal yearof each teacher retirement system, the actuary for the systemshall determine if the payments made pursuant to the provisionsof this section have impaired the actuarial soundness of theplan, and upon his certification that the soundness has been soimpaired, the system shall bill each of the school districtswhich last employed each of these retired persons on a full-timebasis for reimbursement of the amount paid to that person duringthe preceding fiscal year. The school districts shall forthwithaccordingly reimburse the appropriate retirement system.
(L. 1972 H.B. 613 § 1)(1975) Constitutionality upheld as not violating art. III, § 39, or art. IV, § 25, of the constitution of Missouri. State ex rel. Dreer v. Public School Retirement System (Mo.), 519 S.W.2d 290.