169.597. Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to thecontrary, the board of trustees of any retirement system or the governingbody of any political subdivision which funds such retirement system shallhave standing to seek a declaratory judgment concerning the application ofarticle X, section 21 of the Missouri Constitution to the provisions ofthis chapter. In the event a final judgment is rendered by a court whichjudgment determines that any provision of this chapter constitutes a newactivity or service or increase in the level of an activity or servicebeyond that required by existing law pursuant to article X, section 21 ofthe Missouri Constitution, or any successor to that section, that provisionof this chapter shall be void ab initio and any new benefit or featurerequired by such provision of this chapter shall be deemed not to haveaccrued and shall not be payable to members.
(L. 1996 S.B. 860, A.L. 1998 S.B. 501 merged with S.B. 761)Effective 7-1-98 (S.B. 501) 8-28-98 (S.B. 761)