172.230. The board of curators shall appoint annually threeof their number to act as an executive board, who shall meet eachmonth for the purpose of auditing claims and attending to suchother business as may be entrusted to them by the board ofcurators not inconsistent with this chapter. The members of theexecutive board shall receive five dollars per day for each daythey shall attend the monthly meetings, together with theiractual expenses, to be paid as the expenses of the curators arepaid. Said executive board shall be subject to change or removalat pleasure of the board of curators. The board of curatorsshall also appoint annually three of their number to act as anexecutive committee of the University of Missouri-Rolla, withlike powers and compensation as those of the executive board atColumbia. Said executive committee shall also be subject tochange or removal at pleasure of the board of curators.
(RSMo 1939 § 10786)Prior revisions: 1929 § 9629; 1919 § 11526; 1909 § 11100