172.250. The president and treasurer of the university,residing at Columbia, and treasurer of the University ofMissouri-Rolla, residing at Rolla, shall, at each annual meetingof the board, prepare and submit to the board a carefullyprepared statement of the probable amount of income, as near asmay be, of the university and all its departments for the yearfollowing, and the curators shall thereupon make an estimate ofthe probable expenses of the institution and each of itsdepartments for the ensuing year, based upon the statements abovementioned, and make the necessary appropriations to meet saidexpenses for the current year; and in no instance shall the boardof curators create any indebtedness in any one year above whatthey can pay out of the annual income of said year.
(RSMo 1939 § 10791)Prior revisions: 1929 § 9634; 1919 § 11531; 1909 § 11105