172.340. Should the president, or any professor, instructoror other person holding office in the university, by selection,appointment, contract or engagement of the board of curators,fail to discharge for any length of time his official duties,without having obtained the permission of said board, the salaryor compensation of such president, professor, instructor or otherperson holding office in the university shall cease for the timehe shall so fail to discharge his official duties, and nocompensation shall be allowed for such time, but if said boardshall be satisfied that such president, professor, instructor orother person holding office in the university as aforesaid hadgood cause for failing to discharge his official duties, then nopart of his salary or compensation shall be deducted or withheldon account of such failure.
(RSMo 1939 § 10813)Prior revisions: 1929 § 9656; 1919 § 11553; 1909 § 11127