172.355. The university police officers, before they enter upon theirduties, shall take and subscribe an oath of office before some officerauthorized to administer oaths, to faithfully and impartially discharge theduties of their office, which oath shall be filed in the office of theboard of curators of the University of Missouri, and the secretary of theboard shall give each university police officer so appointed and qualifieda certificate of appointment, under the seal of the board, whichcertificate shall empower him or her with the same authority to maintainorder, preserve peace and make arrests as is now held by peace officers.The university police officer may in addition expel from the publicbuildings, campuses and grounds, persons violating the rules andregulations that may be prescribed by the board or others under theauthority of the board. Such university police officers shall havesatisfactorily completed before appointment a training course for policeofficers as prescribed by chapter 590, RSMo, for state peace officers orshall otherwise comply with the requirements of chapter 590, RSMo, forcertification within the time periods specified in such section.
(L. 1996 S.B. 694)