172.470. To effect the leading objects of the colleges asherein established, it is provided that the students and membersthereof shall be admitted to the library, museums, models,cabinets and apparatus, and to all lectures and instructions ofthe university which now exist or may hereafter exist, and to allother rights and privileges thereof, in a manner as full andample as are the students of any other department in saiduniversity; and to provide for instruction in military tactics,as herein required, it is enacted that in case a system ofmilitary education shall be established by Congress, theUniversity of the State of Missouri is hereby required by law tomake the necessary provision for carrying out the plan soestablished in connection with the institution; and furthermore,there is hereby established and created a perpetual fund, to bestyled the "Fund of the College of Agriculture and MechanicArts", to be derived from the sale or lease of the three hundredand thirty thousand acres of land granted by Congress to thestate of Missouri by virtue of an act approved July 2, 1862,entitled "An act donating lands to the several states andterritories which may provide colleges for the benefit ofagriculture and mechanic arts", and from all additions to thesame from public or private bounty, the principal of which fundshall remain forever inviolate and undiminished, to be investedin the manner herein specified, and the income thereof shall beplaced at the disposal of the board of curators of the universityof the state; three-fourths of which income shall be for thesupport of the College of Agriculture aforesaid, and theremaining one-fourth for the support of the University ofMissouri-Rolla, in accordance with the provisions of this chapterand the acts of congress aforesaid.
(RSMo 1939 § 10828)Prior revisions: 1929 § 9671; 1919 § 11568; 1909 § 11139