172.610. There is hereby created and established a permanentfund for the support of the state university, with its severaldivisions, to be denominated "The Seminary Fund", which shallconsist of all certificates of indebtedness of the state ofMissouri, issued under sections 172.610 to 172.720, and theproceeds thereof; the net proceeds of all sales of lands grantedto the state for the benefit of the state university with itsseveral divisions, as provided by law; and all gifts, grants,bequests, or devises to said seminary fund or the state for thebenefit of the university, and not otherwise appropriated by theterms of any such gift, grant, bequest or devise, which fundshall be paid into the state treasury, and be securely investedby the board of curators of the state university and sacredlypreserved as a seminary fund, the annual income of which shall befaithfully appropriated for the maintenance of the stateuniversity, and for no other uses or purposes whatsoever, saidincome to be applied as directed by the board of curators of thestate university, unless otherwise directed by the terms of theact of congress or of the general assembly relating thereto, orby the terms of the certificate, instrument of gift, grant,bequest or devise by which any such certificate, property,securities, or money were received.
(RSMo 1939 § 10876, A.L. 1945 p. 1634 § 2, A.L. 1951 p. 472 § 1)Prior revisions: 1929 § 9717; 1919 § 11589; 1909 § 11161
Seminary fund, Const. Art. IX § 6