172.794. 1. The board of curators, with the recommendations of theadvisory board, shall award funds to selected investigators in accordancewith the following provisions:
(1) Individual awards shall not exceed fifty thousand dollars peryear and shall expire at the end of one or two years, depending on therecommendation of the advisory board for each award;
(2) Costs for overhead of the grantee individual or institution shallnot be allowed;
(3) Investigators shall be affiliated with a public or privateeducational, health care, voluntary health association or researchinstitution which shall specify the institutional official responsible foradministration of the award;
(4) Awards shall be used to obtain preliminary data to testhypotheses and to enable investigators to develop subsequent competitiveapplications for long-term funding from other sources; and
(5) The research project shall be conducted in Missouri.
2. Funds appropriated for but not awarded to research projects in anygiven year shall be included in the board of curators' appropriationsrequest for research projects in the succeeding year.
(L. 2001 H.B. 218)