172.805. 1. The advisory board shall consist of:
(1) Two physicians who are active both in researchaddressing alzheimer's disease and related disorders and incaring for patients with these disorders;
(2) Two nonphysicians engaged in research addressingalzheimer's disease and related disorders;
(3) One nonphysician professional active in providingservice or care to patients with these disorders;
(4) Two nonresearchers active in the alzheimer's disease andrelated disorders association;
(5) One representative of the board of curators;
(6) One representative from the task force as long as it isin existence;
(7) One member of the general assembly.
2. The advisory board members shall be appointed for termsof three years, except that the terms of the original membersshall be staggered among two, three and four years to allow forcontinuity.
3. Members of the advisory board shall be appointed by theboard of curators from nominations made by the task force as longas it is in existence. Thereafter, nominations shall be made bythe advisory board itself.
4. Members of the advisory board may be dismissed by anaffirmative vote of two-thirds of the members.
5. Members of the advisory board and its peer reviewcommittee shall be reimbursed by the board of curators for theiractual expenses in providing services under sections 172.800 to172.807.
(L. 1987 S.B. 200 ยง 4)