172.815. 1. Upon agreement of the curators of theUniversity of Missouri and the state cancer commission, allemployees of the center shall become employees of the curators ofthe University of Missouri on November 1, 1990. All employees sotransferred shall be subject to the personnel policies of theUniversity of Missouri and shall be given credit for any unusedsick leave and vacation time, but beginning on November 1, 1990,shall earn sick leave and vacation time in accordance withuniversity rules. The curators of the University of Missourishall, at the option of the employee, if benefit eligible underuniversity policies, enroll a transferred employee in theuniversity's benefit program, including retirement, health, lifeinsurance, long-term disability, and accidental death anddismemberment on that date, or shall provide for a transferredemployee to continue participation in the state employees'benefit programs provided that any employee who desires tocontinue participation in the state employees' benefit programsshall elect in writing to continue such participation withinninety days of the date the employee is notified by the curatorsof the agreement to transfer the state cancer center. Anytransferred employee who fails to make such election shall bedeemed to have elected to be enrolled in the university's benefitprogram. For a state cancer center employee to transfer to theuniversity's benefits programs without showing evidence of goodhealth, the employee must be currently enrolled in like benefitsprograms of the state of Missouri, unless none exists. Thoseemployees transferring to the university's benefits programsshall receive credit for service accrued under the retirementprogram of the state cancer center.
2. The curators of the University of Missouri will bereimbursed for all liabilities attendant to the transfer ofemployees to its benefits programs. In particular, but notexclusively limited thereto, the board of trustees of the stateemployees' retirement system shall reimburse the curators of theUniversity of Missouri for the actuarial value of the servicebeing transferred from the Missouri state employees' retirementsystem, the amount of which is calculated by the ratio of theactuarial accrued liability of each member who transfers from theMissouri state employees' retirement system to the University ofMissouri retirement system to the total actuarial accruedliability for the Missouri state employees' retirement system asa whole, and applying that ratio to total Missouri stateemployees' retirement system pension trust assets.
(L. 1990 H.B. 1725 merged with S.B. 737)Effective 11-1-90