172.854. 1. Upon agreement of the curators of the University ofMissouri and the department of health and senior services, all employees ofthe Missouri rehabilitation center except those employees reserved by thedepartment for the support of the tuberculosis testing laboratory shall becomeemployees of the curators of the University of Missouri on the effective dateof that agreement. All employees so transferred shall be subject to thepersonnel policies of the University of Missouri, shall be given credit forany unused sick leave and vacation time and, beginning on the effective dateof the agreement, shall earn sick leave and vacation time in accordance withuniversity rules. The curators of the University of Missouri shall, at theoption of the employee, if the employee is eligible for such benefits underuniversity policies, enroll a transferred employee in the university's benefitprogram, including retirement, health, life insurance, long-term disabilityand accidental death and dismemberment on that date, or shall provide for atransferred employee to continue participation in the state employees' benefitprograms provided that any employee who desires to continue participation inthe state employees' benefit program shall elect in writing to continue suchparticipation within ninety days of the date the employee is notified by thecurators of the agreement to transfer the rehabilitation center. Anytransferred employee who fails to make such election shall be deemed to haveelected to be enrolled in the university's benefit program. For arehabilitation center employee to transfer to the university's benefitsprograms without showing evidence of good health, the employee must becurrently enrolled in like benefits programs of the state of Missouri, unlessnone exists. Those employees transferring to the university's benefitsprograms shall receive credit for service accrued under the retirement programof the rehabilitation center.
2. The curators of the University of Missouri shall be reimbursed forall liabilities attendant to the transfer of employees to its benefitsprograms. In particular, but not exclusively limited thereto, the board oftrustees of the state employees' retirement system shall reimburse thecurators of the University of Missouri for the actuarial value of the servicebeing transferred from the Missouri state employees' retirement system, theamount of which is calculated by the ratio of the actuarial accrued liabilityof each member who transfers from the Missouri state employees' retirementsystem to the University of Missouri retirement system pursuant to thissection to the total actuarial accrued liability for the Missouri stateemployees' retirement system as a whole, and applying that ratio to totalMissouri state employees' retirement system pension trust assets.
(L. 1996 S.B. 540)Effective 4-1-96