173.1110. 1. No covered student unlawfully present in the UnitedStates shall receive a postsecondary education public benefit. Educationalinstitutions awarding postsecondary education public benefits to coveredstudents shall verify that these students are United States citizens,permanent residents, or lawfully present in the United States.
2. The following documents, in hard copy or electronic form, may beused to document that a covered student is a United States citizen,permanent resident, or is lawfully present in the United States:
(1) The Free Application for Student Aid Institutional StudentInformation Record;
(2) A state-issued driver's license;
(3) A state-issued nondriver's identification card;
(4) Documentary evidence recognized by the department of revenue whenprocessing an application for a driver's license or nondriver'sidentification card;
(5) A United States birth certificate;
(6) A United States military identification card; or
(7) Any document issued by the federal government that confirms analien's lawful presence in the United States.
3. All postsecondary higher education institutions shall annuallycertify to the department of higher education that they have not knowinglyawarded a postsecondary education public benefit to a covered student whois unlawfully present in the United States.
4. As used in this section, the following terms shall mean:
(1) "Covered student", a student eighteen years of age or older, whohas graduated from high school and is attending classes on the campus of apostsecondary educational institution during regularly scheduled academicsessions;
(2) "Postsecondary education public benefit", institutional financialaid awarded by public postsecondary educational institutions andstate-administered postsecondary grants and scholarships awarded by allpostsecondary educational institutions to covered students.
(L. 2009 H.B. 390)Effective 7-07-09