173.267. 1. There is hereby established the "Missouri EducationalEmployees' Memorial Scholarship Program", and any moneys collected pursuant tosubsection 2 of this section for this program shall be used to providescholarships for the children of Missouri educational employees who died whileemployed by a Missouri school district to attend an undergraduate Missouricollege or university of their choice pursuant to the provisions of thissection.
2. Any employee of a public school district may have a minimum amount ofone dollar withheld from such employee's paycheck to be donated to the"Missouri Educational Employees' Memorial Scholarship Fund", which is herebycreated in the state treasury. The fund shall be used to provide scholarshipsto eligible students pursuant to this section. All earnings resulting fromthe investment of moneys in the fund shall be credited to the fund.Notwithstanding the provisions of section 33.080, RSMo, to the contrary,moneys in the fund shall not revert to the credit of the general revenue fundat the end of the biennium. Moneys in the fund shall not be a part of totalstate revenues for the purposes of article X of the Missouri Constitution.
3. The definitions of terms set forth in section 173.205 shall beapplicable to such terms as used in this section.
4. The coordinating board for higher education shall be theadministrative agency for the implementation of the program established bythis section, and shall:
(1) Promulgate reasonable rules for the exercise of its functions andthe effectuation of the purposes of this section;
(2) Prescribe the form and the time and method of awarding thescholarships, and shall supervise the processing thereof;
(3) Select qualified recipients to receive the scholarships, make suchawards of scholarships to qualified recipients and determine the manner andmethod of payment to the recipient; and
(4) Operate the program in a manner designed to perpetuate the fund.
5. A student shall be eligible for an initial or renewed scholarship if,at the time of application and throughout the period during which the studentis receiving such assistance, he or she is a part-time or full-time studentwho:
(1) Is seventeen years of age or older;
(2) Is a citizen or a permanent resident of the United States;
(3) Is a resident of the state of Missouri, as determined by referenceto standards promulgated pursuant to section 173.140*, RSMo;
(4) Was the child or legal dependent of an educational employee of aMissouri public school who was enrolled in and regularly contributing to theprogram for at least one year and who died while employed by such schooldistrict after August 28, 1999. Such one-year period shall not apply topersons enrolled during the first year after August 28, 1999, or to personsemployed for less than one year;
(5) Is enrolled, or has been accepted for enrollment, as anundergraduate student in an approved private or public institution; and
(6) Establishes financial need.
6. A recipient of a scholarship awarded pursuant to the provisions ofthis section may transfer from one approved Missouri public or privateinstitution to another without losing eligibility for the scholarship. If arecipient of the scholarship at any time withdraws from an approved private orpublic institution so that under the rules and regulations of that institutionhe or she is entitled to a refund of any tuition, fees or other charges, theinstitution shall pay the portion of the refund attributable to thescholarship for that term to the coordinating board for higher education fordeposit in this program.
(L. 1999 H.B. 778 § 1)*Section 173.140 was repealed by S.B. 583 § A, 1994.