173.370. 1. The chairman of the coordinating board shallcall and convene the initial organizational meeting of theauthority and shall serve as its chairman pro tem. At theinitial meeting and annually thereafter, the authority shallelect one of its members as chairman and one as vice chairman.In addition, at the initial meeting and annually thereafter, theauthority shall appoint a secretary and a treasurer either ofwhom may be a member of the authority and, if not a member of theauthority, shall receive such compensation as shall be fixed fromtime to time by action of the authority. The authority mayappoint an executive director who shall not be a member of theauthority and who shall serve at its pleasure. If an executivedirector is appointed, he shall receive such compensation asshall be fixed from time to time by action of the authority. Theauthority may designate the secretary to act in lieu of theexecutive director. The secretary shall keep a record of theproceedings of the authority and shall be the custodian of allbooks, documents, and papers filed with the authority, the minutebooks or journal thereof, and its official seal. The secretarymay cause copies to be made of all minutes and other records anddocuments of the authority and may give certificates under theofficial seal of the authority to the effect that the copies aretrue and correct copies, and all persons dealing with theauthority may rely on such certificates. The authority, byresolution duly adopted, shall fix the powers and duties of itsexecutive director as it may from time to time deem proper andnecessary.
2. The executive director, with approval of the authority,may hire such additional employees as may be needed to carry outthe functions and purposes of the authority. These employeesshall receive such compensation as shall be fixed from time totime by action of the authority.
(L. 1981 H.B. 326)