173.393. Any money appropriated by the general assembly from theLewis and Clark discovery fund and used by the recipient in violation ofsection 173.386 or section 173.392 shall thereby be a liability of therecipient to the credit of the Lewis and Clark discovery fund and therecipient shall remit all such money to the Lewis and Clark discovery fund.In the event the recipient of such appropriated funds is liable to remitthe appropriated funds back to the Lewis and Clark discovery fund, pursuantto this section, such recipient shall also be liable to remit interest onthe amount due to the fund. Beginning on the date of receipt of suchappropriated funds by the recipient, such outstanding funds shall accrueinterest at the rate of one percent per month until the principal and allaccrued interest is remitted in full to the fund. The recipient shallremit all principal of and interest on such misused funds to the statetreasurer for deposit into the Lewis and Clark discovery fund.
(L. 2007 S.B. 389)