173.614. 1. The "Proprietary School Advisory Committee" ishereby created consisting of seven members. All members shall beappointed by the board and shall be either individualproprietors, general partners of partnerships, or managerialemployees of proprietary schools. The initial appointment ofmembers to the committee shall be made within sixty days afterSeptember 28, 1983, and shall consist of two members appointedfor terms expiring one year from September 28, 1983, two membersappointed for terms expiring two years from September 28, 1983,and three members appointed for terms expiring three years fromSeptember 28, 1983. The terms of members initially appointedshall be designated by the board. Thereafter, each appointmentshall be for a term of three years. If a committee memberresigns or for any reason is unable or ineligible to continue toserve, a new member shall be appointed by the board to fill theunexpired term.
2. The committee shall organize itself by the election of achairman and other officers as needed.
3. The committee shall report to the board at least twiceannually and advise the board on matters within the scope ofsections 173.600 to 173.618.
4. The proprietary school advisory committee shall have thefollowing responsibilities:
(1) To advise the board in the administration of sections173.600 to 173.618;
(2) To make recommendations with respect to the rules andregulations establishing minimum standards which are to beadopted by the board; and
(3) To advise the board with respect to grievances andcomplaints.
5. Members of the committee shall serve without compensationbut may be reimbursed for traveling and other expensesnecessarily incurred in the performance of their duties fromfunds of the department of higher education.
(L. 1983 H.B. 560 ยง 4)