173.708. 1. The governor shall serve on the midwesternhigher education commission for a term concurrent with his termof office.
2. The member of the house of representatives and themember of the senate shall serve on the midwestern highereducation commission for terms of two years.
3. The at-large members shall serve on the midwesternhigher education commission for terms of four years or uponleaving the field of higher education or upon leaving the state,whichever occurs first, except that of the first appointmentsone at-large member shall serve for a term of two years and theother shall serve for a term of four years.
4. All vacancies occurring on the midwestern highereducation commission shall be filled in the same manner asoriginally filled, except that vacancies created for reasonsother than expiration of the term of membership shall be filledfor the remainder of the unexpired term by appointment by thegovernor with the advice and consent of the senate.
(L. 1990 H.B. 1142)*Contingent expiration date, see ยง 173.710