173.724. 1. There is hereby established a "Higher Education ArtisticScholarship Program". Moneys appropriated by the general assembly ormoneys identified in section 173.252 may be used for this program toprovide scholarships for Missouri citizens to attend an approved public orprivate institution of their choice pursuant to the provisions of thissection. Such program shall award a maximum of ten initial artisticscholarships per year, in the amount of two thousand dollars perscholarship.
2. As used in this section, the following terms mean:
(1) "Approved private institution", as defined in section 173.205;
(2) "Approved public institution", as defined in section 173.205;
(3) "Artistic talent":
(a) Creation of the visual arts;
(b) Creation of and the performance of music;
(c) Creation of and the performance of theater;
(d) Creation of and the performance of musical theater; and
(e) Creation of and the performance of dance;
(4) "Artistic talent scholarship", an amount of money paid by thestate of Missouri to a qualified college or university student who hasdemonstrated exceptional artistic talent pursuant to the provisions of thissection.
3. The coordinating board for higher education shall be theadministrative agency for the implementation of the program established bythis section, and shall:
(1) Promulgate reasonable rules and regulations for the exercise ofits functions and the effectuation of the purposes of this section;
(2) Prescribe the form and the time and method of awardingscholarships to student artists of exceptional talent, and supervise theprocessing thereof; and
(3) Select qualified recipients to receive artistic talentscholarships, make awards of such artistic talent scholarships to qualifiedrecipients and determine the manner and method of payment to the recipient.
4. No rule or portion of a rule promulgated under the authority ofthis section shall become effective unless it has been promulgated pursuantto the provisions of section 536.024, RSMo.
5. A student shall be eligible for initial or renewed artistic talentscholarships if he or she is in compliance with the eligibility requirementset forth in section 173.215, excluding the requirement of financial need,and in addition meets the following requirements:
(1) Demonstration of exceptional artistic talent; and
(2) Declaration of intent to complete a college oruniversity program of studies centered around the art or arts in which heor she has demonstrated talent for purposes of this section.
6. Artistic talent scholarships are renewable in the amount of twothousand dollars for each of the sophomore, junior and senior years ofcollege or university study provided the recipient makes satisfactoryacademic degree progress as a full-time student and in addition, for eachof the sophomore, junior and senior years, provides service to theinstitution in which enrolled in an academically related assignment.Students who hold artistic talent scholarships shall continue to enroll ina program of studies centered around the art or arts in which their talentis demonstrated for purposes of this section.
7. A recipient of an artistic talent scholarship awarded under thissection may transfer from one approved Missouri public or privateinstitution to another without losing eligibility for the scholarship. Ifa recipient of the scholarship at any time withdraws from an approvedprivate or public institution so that under the rules and regulations ofthat institution he or she is entitled to a refund of any tuition, fees orother charges, the institution shall pay the portion of the refundattributable to the scholarship for that term to the coordinating board forhigher education.
(L. 1990 H.B. 1142 ยง 8, A.L. 1993 S.B. 52, A.L. 1995 S.B. 3)