174.100. 1. A meeting of each board of regents shall becalled by the president thereof at the earliest convenient timeand place following the appointment of new members in anybiennial period for the purpose of selecting officers for theensuing biennial period and the transaction of such business asmay be regularly presented and as the board may direct.
2. The board at its first meeting shall fix the date of thenext annual meeting; adjourned meetings may be held at such timesand places as may be determined at any previous meeting. Uponthe written request of any two members of the board, or at therequest of the faculty, signed by the president or vice presidentand certified by the secretary thereof, the president of theboard shall call a meeting, and the secretary shall notify eachmember of the board of such called meeting, and the object orobjects thereof, and no other business shall be transacted atsuch meeting unless all members of the board are present andconsent thereto.
3. Each member of the board shall receive as fullcompensation for his services six cents per mile for each milenecessarily traveled in going to and from each meeting of theboard and the actual expenses incurred during his attendance atthe same, to be paid out of the contingent fund of the college.
(RSMo 1939 § 10759)Prior revisions: 1929 § 9602; 1919 § 11497; 1909 § 11077