174.120. Each state teachers college shall be under thegeneral control and management of its board of regents, and theboard shall possess full power and authority to adopt all needfulrules and regulations for the guidance and supervision of theconduct of all students while enrolled as such; to enforceobedience to the rules; to invest the faculty with the power tosuspend, or expel any student for disobedience to the rules, orfor any contumacy, insubordination, dishonesty, drunkenness orimmoral conduct; to appoint and dismiss all officers andteachers; to direct the course of instruction; to designate thetextbooks to be used; to direct what reports shall be made; toappoint a treasurer for such college, and to determine the amountof his bond, which shall be in amount not less than ten thousanddollars; and to have the entire management of the college,including qualifications for admission.
(RSMo 1939 § 10760)Prior revisions: 1929 § 9603; 1919 § 11498; 1909 § 11071