174.323. Beginning with the fiscal year commencing on July1, 1996, the general assembly may make appropriations to thecommissioner of administration for grants to Central MissouriState University in the planning for and construction of aninternational safety, health, and environmental resource center,if the chairs of the respective appropriation or budgetcommittees determine that Central Missouri State University hasestablished and is actively building an endowment fund for thepartial funding of the resource center. In connection with theutilization of such grants, Central Missouri State University maycontract with any person, firm or corporation, whether organizedfor profit or otherwise, and may receive and expend fundsreceived from the federal government or any agency thereof, orfrom any person, firm or corporation. Appropriations madepursuant to the provisions of this section shall not beconsidered as a part of the regular appropriations for CentralMissouri State University nor shall such appropriations result inany reduction of appropriations for Central Missouri StateUniversity. Appropriations from the state shall be usedexclusively for capital construction costs and no stateappropriations shall be made for maintenance, repairs orpersonnel.
(L. 1991 H.B. 25 § 8 merged with H.B. 51, et al. § 2)Effective 7-1-96