174.450. 1. Except as provided in subsection 2 and subsection 6 ofthis section, the governing board of Central Missouri State University,Missouri State University, Missouri Southern State University, MissouriWestern State University, and of each other public institution of highereducation which, through the procedures established in subdivision (7) or(8) of section 173.030, RSMo, is charged with a statewide mission shall bea board of governors consisting of eight members, composed of seven votingmembers and one nonvoting member as provided in sections 174.453 and174.455, who shall be appointed by the governor of Missouri, by and withthe advice and consent of the senate. No person shall be appointed avoting member who is not a citizen of the United States and who has notbeen a resident of the state of Missouri for at least two years immediatelyprior to such appointment. Not more than four voting members shall belongto any one political party. The appointed members of the board of regentsserving on the date of the statutory mission change shall become members ofthe board of governors on the effective date of the statutory missionchange and serve until the expiration of the terms for which they wereappointed. The board of regents of any such institution shall be abolishedon the effective date of the statutory mission change, as prescribed insubdivision (7) or (8) of section 173.030, RSMo.
2. The governing board of Missouri State University, a publicinstitution of higher education charged with a statewide mission in publicaffairs, shall be a board of governors of ten members, composed of ninevoting members and one nonvoting member, who shall be appointed by thegovernor, by and with the advice and consent of the senate. The nonvotingmember shall be a student selected in the same manner as prescribed insection 174.055. No more than one voting member shall be appointed to theboard from the same congressional district, and every member of the boardshall be a citizen of the United States, and a resident of this state forat least two years prior to his or her appointment. No more than fivevoting members shall belong to any one political party. The term of officeof the governors shall be six years. The voting members of the board ofgovernors serving on August 28, 2005, shall serve until the expiration ofthe terms for which they were appointed. For those voting membersappointed after August 28, 2005, the term of office will be established ina manner where no more than three terms shall expire in a given year. Theterm of office for those appointed hereafter shall end January first inyears ending in an odd number.
3. If a voting member of the board of governors of Missouri StateUniversity is found by unanimous vote of the other governors to have movedsuch governor's residence from the district from which such governor wasappointed, then the office of such governor shall be forfeited andconsidered vacant.
4. Should the total number of Missouri congressional districts bealtered, all members of the board of governors of Missouri State Universityshall be allowed to serve the remainder of the term for which they wereappointed.
5. Should the boundaries of any congressional districts be altered ina manner that displaces a member of the board of governors of MissouriState University from the congressional district from which the member wasappointed, the member shall be allowed to serve the remainder of the termfor which the member was appointed.
6. The governing board of Missouri Southern State University shall bea board of governors consisting of nine members, composed of eight votingmembers and one nonvoting member as provided in sections 174.453 and174.455, who shall be appointed by the governor of Missouri, by and withthe advice and consent of the senate. No person shall be appointed avoting member who is not a citizen of the United States and who has notbeen a resident of the state of Missouri for at least two years immediatelyprior to such appointment. Not more than four voting members shall belongto any one political party.
(L. 1995 S.B. 340 ยง 1 subsec. 1, A.L. 1999 S.B. 218, A.L. 2003 S.B. 55, A.L. 2005 S.B. 98, A.L. 2006 S.B. 650)Effective 6-12-06