174.770. 1. There is hereby established the "Jim Sears LeadershipScholarship Program". Any moneys appropriated by the general assembly forthis program shall be used to provide scholarships for Missouri citizens toattend Truman State University pursuant to the provisions of this section.
2. The definitions of terms set forth in section 173.205, RSMo, shallbe applicable to such terms as used in this section.
3. The board of governors of Truman State University shall be theadministrative agency for the implementation of the program established bythis section, and shall:
(1) Promulgate reasonable rules for the exercise of its functionsrelated to the purposes of this section;
(2) Prescribe the form, time and method of awarding academicscholarships, and shall supervise the processing thereof; and
(3) Select qualified recipients to receive the scholarships.
4. Subject to appropriations, a student shall be eligible for thescholarship, if such student is in compliance with the eligibilityrequirements set forth in section 173.215, RSMo, excluding the requirementof financial need.
5. Initial scholarships shall be offered in the academic yearimmediately following graduation from high school to Missouri high schoolseniors who have shown a strong record of leadership or community servicewhile in high school. The scholarships shall be distributed as evenly aspossible throughout the state. During the freshman year of college,scholarship recipients are required to maintain status as a full-timestudent.
6. The scholarships are renewable for up to six additional semestersif the recipient remains in compliance with the applicable provisions ofsection 173.215, RSMo, the recipient makes satisfactory academic degreeprogress as a full-time student, and upon the provision of funds by TrumanState University.
(L. 1998 H.B. 1162 ยง 1)