176.070. The governing body of any state educationalinstitution issuing bonds under the provisions of sections176.010 to 176.080 is hereby authorized to prescribe the form,details and incidents of such bonds, and to make such covenantsas in its judgment may be advisable or necessary properly tosecure the payment thereof; provided, that such form, details,incidents and covenants shall not be inconsistent with any of theprovisions of sections 176.010 to 176.080. The holder or holdersof any bond or bonds issued hereunder or of any couponsrepresenting interest accrued thereon may, by proper civil actioneither at law or in equity, compel the governing body of thestate educational institution issuing such bonds to perform allduties imposed upon it by the provisions of sections 176.010 to176.080, including the making and collecting of sufficient ratesand charges for the use of the project for which such bonds wereissued, and also to enforce the performance of any and all othercovenants made by such governing body in the issuance of suchbonds.
(L. 1945 p. 1715 ยง 7)