177.111. 1. Any seven-director school district, actingthrough its board of directors, may acquire, construct, erect,equip and furnish, operate, control and regulate a stadium orsimilar structure for the holding of school athletic games,contests and other recreational activities and exhibitions, andfor purposes and uses incidental thereto. Portions of thestructure may be constructed and equipped for gymnasium ortraining rooms and dressing rooms. From time to time thedistrict may make additions to or enlarge the structure.
2. The school district may use real property now orhereafter belonging to it as a site for the stadium, or mayacquire by purchase, lease, gift or otherwise the real andpersonal property that in the judgment of the board of directorsis necessary, advisable and suitable for the purpose, togetherwith adequate space for off-street parking of vehicles. It mayaccept contributions and gifts of money or property for theacquisition, construction, operation and maintenance of thestadium and sites and appurtenances thereto.
3. If the district uses for such purpose property acquiredby funds derived from proceeds of taxation, it shall make paymentfrom the proceeds of the bonds issued pursuant to sections164.231 to 164.301, RSMo, or from funds available therefor fromsources other than taxation, into its treasury to the credit ofthe appropriate fund a sum equal to the cost to the schooldistrict of the property or its then appraised value, whicheveris greater. The appraised value shall be determined by aproceeding in the circuit court of the county where the land issituated in the nature of a condemnation proceeding, so that theschool district will in effect have condemned the land for thebenefit of the project and it will have ceased to representinvestment of proceeds of taxation. The circuit court is vestedwith jurisdiction of the proceeding in which the school districtshall be plaintiff and the attorney general shall be made a partydefendant as representing the public interest in the property andfunds of the school district derived from taxation.
(L. 1963 p. 200 § 12-11 and p. 354 § 176.110)(Source: RSMo 1959 § 176.110)