178.635. 1. The board of regents of Linn State Technical Collegeshall organize in the manner provided by law for the board of curators ofthe University of Missouri. The powers, duties, authority,responsibilities, privileges, immunities, liabilities and compensation ofthe board of Linn State Technical College in regard to Linn State TechnicalCollege shall be the same as those prescribed by statute for the board ofcurators of the University of Missouri in regard to the University ofMissouri, except that Linn State Technical College shall be operated onlyas a state technical college. Nothing in this section shall be construedto authorize Linn State Technical College to become a community college ora university offering four-year or graduate degrees.
2. All lawful bonded indebtedness incurred by the issuance of revenuebonds, as defined in section 176.010, RSMo, by Linn Technical College,shall be deemed to be an indebtedness of the board of regents of Linn StateTechnical College after the date upon which the conditions of section178.631 are met. Such indebtedness shall be retired through tuitionrevenues.
(L. 1995 S.B. 101 ยง 5)