178.636. 1. Linn State Technical College shall be a special purposeinstitution that shall make available to students from all areas of thestate exceptional educational opportunities through highly specialized andadvanced technical education and training at the certificate and associatedegree level in both emerging and traditional technologies with particularemphasis on technical and vocational programs not commonly offered bycommunity colleges or area vocational technical schools. Primaryconsideration shall be placed on the industrial and technological manpowerneeds of the state. In addition, Linn State Technical College isauthorized to assist the state in economic development initiatives and tofacilitate the transfer of technology to Missouri business and industrydirectly through the graduation of technicians in advanced and emergingdisciplines and through technical assistance provided to business andindustry. Linn State Technical College is authorized to provide technicalassistance to area vocational technical schools and community collegesthrough supplemental on-site instruction and distance learning as such areavocational technical schools and community colleges deem appropriate.
2. Consistent with the mission statement provided in subsection 1 ofthis section, Linn State Technical College shall offer vocational andtechnical programs leading to the granting of certificates, diplomas, andapplied science associate degrees, or a combination thereof, but notincluding associate of arts or baccalaureate or higher degrees. Linn StateTechnical College shall also continue its role as a recognized areavocational technical school as provided by policies and procedures of thestate board of education.
(L. 1995 S.B. 101 ยง 6)