178.637. 1. Within twelve months after August 28, 1995, and afterthe conditions of section 178.631 are satisfied, the board of regents ofLinn State Technical College shall submit to the coordinating board forhigher education, for the approval of the coordinating board, a five-yearplan outlining the changes necessary for the institution to realize its newmission as a state technical college. The plan shall include, but shallnot be limited to, such issues as admissions policies, new degrees programsto be developed, plans for attaining regional accreditation as apostsecondary institution, provisions for assessment of student learningand overall institutional performance, a fiscal plan for achievinginstitutional priorities, measurable goals and objectives for theinstitution, and specific provisions for coordinating with existingcommunity colleges and area vocational technical schools. As this plan isdeveloped it shall be assumed that tuition and fees for this institutionshall be comparable to public four-year institutions rather than publictwo-year institutions. A copy of the five-year plan shall also besubmitted to the state board of education for its review and comment, andthe coordinating board shall give due consideration to the views of thestate board in its approval process for the plan.
2. Within twelve months after August 28, 1995, and prior tocompleting action on any five-year mission implementation plan submitted byLinn State Technical College, the coordinating board for higher educationshall complete, in cooperation with the state board of education, acomprehensive assessment of postsecondary vocational technical education inthe state of Missouri. Such study shall include, but not be limited to,the adequacy of Missouri's delivery system for postsecondary vocationaltechnical education, including the role of area vocational schools andcommunity colleges, in meeting the needs of the state and its citizens,businesses, and industries for vocational technical education opportunitiesof high quality in terms of the quality of its services, its arrangementsfor efficient and effective governance, and its method and level offinancing. This study shall develop a master plan for advanced technicaland vocational training in the state of Missouri coordinating area vocationschool sites with area community colleges and Linn State Technical Collegeto form advanced vocational and technical training facilities. The planshall establish a mechanism for meeting the needs of citizens, business andindustry in this state with the goal of obtaining a skilled, high-demandworkforce. The plan shall contain a means of funding advanced technicaland vocational training in line with a strong state policy for a highlyskilled, in-demand workforce. The plan shall further set forth a mechanismfor coordination of the delivery system between Linn State TechnicalCollege, area community colleges and area vocational schools within theservice districts of the respective community colleges. Programs to beoffered and funded by the state shall be contemplated by the plan. Fundingof the programs offered may be tied to cooperation of area vocationalschools and area community colleges; except that, no mandates may beincluded on any program which is funded in whole or in part by local funds,unless the cost of the program is paid by the state. The plan shallfurther indicate and anticipate the role of telecommunications in deliveryof classes between Linn State Technical College, area community collegesand area vocational sites. The coordinating board shall make suchrecommendations regarding any improvements in the postsecondary vocationaleducation delivery system as it deems appropriate and shall report itsfindings to the governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, thepresident pro tempore of the senate, and the state board of education.
3. After the conditions of this section and section 178.631 aresatisfied, Linn State Technical College shall be deemed to be a qualifiedcollege, university, or educational institution for the purposes of anyhigher education student loan, grant, or scholarship program establishedpursuant to state law.
(L. 1995 S.B. 101 ยง 7)