178.693. 1. School districts that offer an approved program of parenteducation shall be eligible for state reimbursement, pursuant to section163.031, RSMo, subject to appropriations therefor for each participatingfamily. If a school district fails or is unable to offer an approved programof parent education, the district shall enter into a contract which meets therequirements under section 178.697, with another district, public agency orstate approved not-for-profit agency offering an approved program for suchservices. If the district finds that no approved program is available inanother district, public agency, or through a state approved not-for-profitagency, it shall request the state department of elementary and secondaryeducation to assist it in obtaining from an approved program, services at thereimbursable rate.
2. School districts that offer an approved program of developmentalscreening for all children under the age of five years shall be eligible forstate reimbursement, pursuant to section 163.031, RSMo, subject toappropriations therefor for each participating child. If a school districtfails or is unable to offer an approved program of developmental screening,the district shall enter into a contract which meets the requirements undersection 178.697, with another district, public agency or state approvednot-for-profit agency offering an approved program for such services. If thedistrict finds that no approved program is available in another district,public agency or state approvednot-for-profit agency, it shall request the state department of elementary andsecondary education to assist it in obtaining from an approved program,services at the reimbursable rate.
3. School districts that offer approved programs for developmentallydelayed children ages three and four who may also be eligible for programsunder the provisions of sections 162.670 to 162.995, RSMo, shall be eligiblefor state reimbursement, pursuant to section 163.031, RSMo, subject toappropriations, provided the children are not receiving the same or similarservices for handicapped or severely handicapped children under anotherprogram for which reimbursements from the department of elementary andsecondary education are available to the district. If a school district failsor is unable to offer an approved program for developmentally delayed childrenages three and four, the district shall enter into a contract which meets therequirements under section 178.697, with another district, public agency orstate approved not-for-profit agency offering an approved program for suchservices. If the district finds that no approved program is available inanother district, public agency or state approved not-for-profit agency, itshall request the state department of elementary and secondary education toassist it in obtaining from an approved program, services at the reimbursablerate.
(L. 1984 S.B. 658 ยง 2, A.L. 1985 H.B. 463, A.L. 1993 S.B. 380)