178.761. A community college district, with the approval of thedepartment of economic development in consultation with the office ofadministration, may enter into an agreement to establish a project andprovide program services to an employer. As soon as possible after initialcontact between a community college district and a potential employerregarding the possibility of entering into an agreement, the district shallinform the division of workforce development of the department of economicdevelopment and the office of administration about the potential project.The division of workforce development shall evaluate the proposed projectwithin the overall job training efforts of the state to ensure that theproject will not duplicate other job training programs. The department ofeconomic development shall have fourteen days from receipt of theapplication to approve or disapprove projects. If no response is receivedby the community college within fourteen days, the projects are approved.Any project that is disapproved must be in writing stating the reasons forthe disapproval. If an agreement is entered into, the district and theemployer shall notify the department of revenue within fifteen calendardays. An agreement may provide, but is not limited to:
(1) Payment of program costs, including deferred costs, which may bepaid from one or a combination of the following sources:
(a) Funds appropriated by the general assembly from the Missouricommunity college job retention program fund and disbursed by the divisionof workforce development in respect of retained jobs credit fromwithholding to be received or derived from retained employment resultingfrom the project;
(b) Tuition, student fees, or special charges fixed by the board oftrustees to defray program costs in whole or in part;
(c) Guarantee of payments to be received under paragraph (a) or (b)of this subdivision;
(2) Payment of program costs shall not be deferred for a periodlonger than ten years if program costs do not exceed five hundred thousanddollars, or eight years if program costs exceed five hundred thousanddollars from the date of commencement of the project;
(3) Costs of on-the-job training for employees shall include wages orsalaries of participating employees. Payments for on-the-job trainingshall not exceed the average of fifty percent of the total percent of thetotal wages paid by the employer to each participant during the period oftraining. Payment for on-the-job training may continue for up to sixmonths from the date of the employer's capital investment;
(4) A provision which fixes the minimum amount of retained jobscredit from withholding, or tuition and fee payments which shall be paidfor program costs;
(5) Any payment required to be made by an employer is a lien upon theemployer's business property until paid and has equal precedence withordinary taxes and shall not be divested by a judicial sale. Propertysubject to the lien may be sold for sums due and delinquent at a tax sale,with the same forfeitures, penalties, and consequences as for thenonpayment of ordinary taxes. The purchasers at tax sale obtain theproperty subject to the remaining payments.
(L. 2004 S.B. 1155 ยง 178.981)