178.890. 1. If the area of an entire school district which adjoins acommunity college district organized pursuant to sections 178.770 to178.890 desires to be attached thereto and become a part of the communitycollege district it may do so in the manner provided for annexationpursuant to section 162.441, RSMo. If the area of an entire schooldistrict which adjoins a district offering a two-year college coursepursuant to section 178.370 on October 13, 1961, and receiving aid pursuantto section 163.191, RSMo, desires to be attached thereto for communitycollege purposes only, the annexation shall be completed pursuant tosection 162.441, RSMo, and upon the annexation, a special community collegedistrict shall be established in the entire area as provided in sections178.770 to 178.890, and notice thereof shall be given to the state board ofeducation. The state board of education, within sixty days, shall call aspecial election for the election of trustees to be conducted in the mannerprovided in section 178.820.
2. If the entire area of a school district not adjoining orcontiguous with an established and existing community college districtorganized pursuant to sections 178.770 to 178.890 desires to become part ofsuch an established and existing community college district which lies inwhole or in part in a county which is either:
(1) Adjacent to the county in which the school district lies in wholeor in part; or
(2) Adjacent to a county which does not have a public four-year openenrollment college or university, which is adjacent to the county in whichthe school district lies in whole or in part, such school district may doso in the manner provided for annexation pursuant to section 162.441, RSMo,and in such instances, it shall not be required that such school districtbe adjacent to or adjoin such a community college district, and thesubdistrict or subdistricts in the area comprising the petitioning schooldistrict need not be contiguous with the subdistricts of the receivingcommunity college district.
3. If the board of trustees of the receiving district rejects thepetition for annexation, the state board of education may be petitioned fora hearing and upon receipt of the petition the state board shall establishthe time and place and proceed to a hearing. If the state board ofeducation finds that refusal to honor the petition for annexation has beenmade without good cause, the state board in its discretion may withhold aportion or all of the state aid from the district which is payable pursuantto the provisions of section 163.191, RSMo.
(L. 1963 p. 200 § 13-89, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971, A.L. 1998 S.B. 553)(Source: L. 1961 p. 357 § 15)