178.896. 1. There is hereby established within the state treasury aspecial fund, to be known as the "Missouri Community College Job TrainingProgram Fund", to be administered by the division of job development andtraining. The department of revenue shall credit to the community collegejob training program fund, as received, all new jobs credit fromwithholding remitted by employers pursuant to section 178.894. The fundshall also consist of any gifts, contributions, grants or bequests receivedfrom federal, private or other sources. The general assembly, however,shall not provide for any transfer of general revenue funds into thecommunity college job training program fund. Moneys in the Missouricommunity college job training program fund shall be disbursed to thedivision of job development and training pursuant to regular appropriationsby the general assembly. The division shall disburse such appropriatedfunds in a timely manner into the special funds established by communitycollege districts for projects, which funds shall be used to pay programcosts, including the principal of, premium, if any, and interest oncertificates issued by the district to finance or refinance, in whole or inpart, a project. Such disbursements by the division of job development andtraining shall be made to the special fund for each project in the sameproportion as the new jobs credit from withholding remitted by the employerparticipating in such project bears to the total new jobs credit fromwithholding remitted by all employers participating in projects during theperiod for which the disbursement is made. Moneys for new jobs trainingprograms established under the provisions of sections 178.892 to 178.896shall be obtained from appropriations made by the general assembly from theMissouri community college job training program fund. All moneys remainingin the Missouri community college job training program fund at the end ofany fiscal year shall not lapse to the general revenue fund, as provided insection 33.080, RSMo, but shall remain in the Missouri community collegejob training program fund.
2. The department of revenue shall develop such forms as arenecessary to demonstrate accurately each employer's new jobs credit fromwithholding paid into the Missouri community college job training programfund. The new jobs credit from withholding shall be accounted as separatefrom the normal withholding tax paid to the department of revenue by theemployer. Reimbursements made by all employers to the Missouri communitycollege job training program fund shall be no less than all allocationsmade by the division of job development and training to all communitycollege districts for all projects. The employer shall remit the amount ofthe new job credit to the department of revenue in the same manner asprovided in sections 143.191 to 143.265, RSMo.
3. Sections 178.892 to 178.896 shall expire July 1, 2028.
(L. 1990 H.B. 1364, A.L. 1993 H.B. 566, A.L. 1997 2d Ex. Sess. S.B. 1, A.L. 2007 1st Ex. Sess. H.B. 1)Effective 11-28-07
Expires 7-01-28