182.230. Every library and reading room established undersections 182.140 to 182.301 shall be forever free to the use ofthe inhabitants of the city where located, always subject to suchreasonable rules and regulations as the library board may adoptin order to render the use of the library and reading room of thegreatest benefit to the greatest number. The board may excludefrom the use of the library and reading room any and all personswho willfully violate such rules. The board may extend theprivileges and use of the library and reading room to personsresiding outside of the city in this state, upon such terms andconditions as the board, from time to time, by its regulations,may prescribe.
(RSMo 1939 § 14757, A.L. 1955 p. 555 § 182.210)Prior revisions: 1929 § 13453; 1919 § 7196; 1909 § 8192