182.480. As of October 13, 1965, and any other provisions oflaw to the contrary notwithstanding, all of the area or territoryincluded within the geographical boundaries of a city, includingany area or territory which becomes a part of any city pursuantto any annexation pending on October 13, 1965, which maintains afree public library supported at least in part by taxation, shallbe a "municipal library district" and shall have as its purposethe furnishing of free public library services to residents ofthe district, and the district shall be known as "The city of............ Municipal Library District", and each such districtshall be a political subdivision of the state of Missouri and abody corporate with all the powers and rights of like or similarcorporations, and as of the effective date of sections 182.130and 182.480 to 182.510, all of the area or territory which ishereby included within a municipal library district shall beexcluded from the boundaries of any existing county librarydistrict, and all of the taxable property located in themunicipal library district shall only be subject to taxation bythe municipal library district and shall hereafter not be subjectto taxation by the county library district; provided, however,that after October 13, 1965, any annexation by a city havingwithin its boundaries a municipal library district shall notextend the boundaries of the municipal library district, and anyannexed areas shall remain in the county library district, andthe taxable property in any such annexed areas shall only besubject to taxation by the county library district and shall notbe subject to taxation by the municipal library district; except,that in any county not having a county library any suchannexation shall likewise extend the boundaries of any existingmunicipal library district.
(L. 1965 p. 312 ยง 2, A.L. 1969 p. 290)