182.620. 1. A consolidated public library district may becreated by resolution, duly acted upon, by the governing boardsof two or more county public library districts. After thedistricts have each resolved to form a consolidated publiclibrary district, they shall apply to the county commissions orcounty chief executive officers of the county districts served bythe districts being consolidated. Upon approval of theconsolidation by the appropriate county commissions or countyexecutive officers, legal notice that the consolidated publiclibrary district has been created, and containing the names ofthe districts and members of the governing boards creating it,the names of the trustees of the consolidated public librarydistrict, the name of the consolidated public library district,the area to be served, the date of its creation and the locationof its principal business office shall be published in newspapersof general circulation in the county districts to be served bythe consolidated public library district. Notice shall also befiled with the Missouri state library commission.
2. Whenever five percent of the voters of each of any two ormore county library districts sign a petition, and file it withtheir appropriate county commissions or county executive officersrequesting submission of the question of permitting the countylibrary districts to create a consolidated public librarydistrict under section 182.610, the county commissions or countyexecutive officers shall submit the question to the voters at anelection. The total vote for governor at the last generalelection before the filing of the petition whereat a governor waselected shall be used to determine the number of voters necessaryto sign the petition.
3. The question shall be submitted in substantially thefollowing form:
Shall the ..... county public library district and the.....county public library district be consolidated and the .....public library district be created?
4. If a majority of the voters voting on the question votefor the question in each of the counties taken separately, itshall be deemed to have been adopted, but if it fails to receivea majority in any one or more of the counties, it shall be deemedto have failed. The board of election commissioners of eachcounty shall canvass the certified abstracts and notify thepresiding commissioner or county executive officer of each of thecounty commissions of the results within twenty days of receiptof the certified abstracts.
5. Within thirty days following the notification of theelection authority of adoption of the question by a majority voteor within thirty days following the adoption of the resolution,the taxing authorities and the boards of trustees of the countylibrary districts affected shall take appropriate actiontransferring all title and interest in all property, both realand personal, in the name of the county public library districtto the board of trustees of the consolidated public librarydistrict. Upon the transfer of such title and interest, theproperty shall become the property of and subject to theexclusive control of the consolidated public library district.
(L. 1972 H.B. 1114, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)