182.640. 1. A consolidated public library district created under theprovisions of sections 182.610 to 182.670 shall be governed by a board oftrustees which shall consist of not less than eight trustees to beappointed by the county commission or county executive officers of thecounties participating in the consolidated public library district. Thecounty commission or county executive officers of each participating countyshall appoint four trustees who are residents of that county and who residein the district, as representatives of its county. No appointed trusteeshall be an elective official.
2. The trustees of the existing boards of a county public districtshall remain as the representatives of their respective county and shallserve the remainder of their respective term as the governing board of aconsolidated public library district. Upon expiration of their term thecounty commission or county executive officer shall appoint a resident ofthe respective county and district for a four-year term beginning the firstday of July or until a successor shall be appointed. Trustees in office asof August 28, 2005, who reside outside the district shall be deemed to havevacated their trusteeships and successors shall be appointed undersubsection 4 of this section.
3. Whenever any member of the board of trustees shall, without goodcause, fail to attend six consecutive board meetings of the consolidatedpublic library district or whenever any member of the board of trustees isdeemed by the majority of the board of trustees to be guilty of conductprejudicial to the good order and effective operation of the consolidatedpublic library district, or whenever any member is deemed to be guilty ofneglect of duty, then such member may be removed by resolution of the boardof trustees duly acted upon, after specification of charge and hearing.
4. Vacancies in the board occasioned by removals, resignations, orotherwise shall be reported to the county commission or county executiveofficers and shall be filled in like manner as original appointments;except that, if the vacancy occurs during an unexpired term, theappointment shall be for only the unexpired portion of that term.
5. No person shall be employed by the board of library trustees or bythe librarian who is related within the third degree by blood or bymarriage to any trustee of the board.
6. Except as in sections 182.610 to 182.670 otherwise expresslyprovided, no trustee of a consolidated public library district shallreceive any fee, salary, gratuity or other compensation or remuneration foracting as such; except that, the board of trustees may reimburse itsmembers for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance oftheir duties.
7. The board of trustees shall have a president, secretary and atreasurer and such other officers as the board may select. All officers ofthe board shall be selected by the board. All officers of the board oftrustees shall serve at the pleasure of the board, and shall not receiveany salary, gratuity or other compensation or reimbursement for acting assuch, except the treasurer, who may also serve as secretary.
8. The board shall provide for regularly scheduled meetings of theboard to be held monthly; except that, the board shall not be required tomeet more than ten times in any calendar year. The board shall make andadopt bylaws, rules and regulations governing the proceedings of the board,including bylaws prescribing the duties of each officer of the board oftrustees. No bylaws, rules or regulations shall be contrary to, orinconsistent with, any provision of law.
9. A majority of the full board of trustees shall constitute a quorumfor the transaction of business. The act of the majority of the trusteespresent at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of theboard of trustees, except as hereinafter provided. The affirmative vote ofa majority of the full board of trustees shall be required to enter intoany contract, employ or dismiss the chief administrative officer of thedistrict, effect a merger or consolidation or approve a budget.
10. The board of trustees of a consolidated public library districtshall adopt policies for the government of the consolidated public librarydistrict that will carry out the spirit and intent of sections 182.610 to182.670, and the board shall employ a duly qualified graduate librarian asthe chief executive and administrative officer of the consolidated publiclibrary district charged with the duty of carrying out the policies adoptedby the board. The librarian shall serve at the pleasure of the board. Thelibrarian shall have the authority to employ professional libraryassistants and other employees to fill the positions that are created bythe board. The assistants and employees may be dismissed by the librarian.
(L. 1972 H.B. 1114, A.L. 2005 H.B. 47)