182.660. 1. Any consolidated public library districtcreated under sections 182.610 to 182.670 may enlarge the area itserves by incorporating into it any county, city, municipal,school or public library district.
2. The board of trustees of a county, city, municipal,school or public library district may, by resolution duly actedupon, petition the board of trustees of a consolidated publiclibrary district to become a part of and be* included in suchconsolidated public library district. The petitioning districtmay be admitted into the consolidated public library districtupon majority vote of the board of trustees of the consolidatedpublic library district at the prevailing tax rate of theconsolidated district. Notice of inclusion of the petitioningdistrict into the consolidated public library district shall begiven to the governing authority of the district so included inaccordance with the notice provisions set out in section 182.620.
3. Whenever five percent of the voters of a county, city,municipal, school or public library district shall petition inwriting the governing authority of the district to be included inthe consolidated public library district and upon writtenapproval by majority vote of the board of trustees of theconsolidated public library district, it shall be the duty of thegoverning authority to submit the question to the voters of thepetitioning district at an election.
4. Upon admission of any petitioning district by majorityvote of the board of trustees of the consolidated public librarydistrict or upon majority approval of the voters of any suchdistrict for inclusion in the consolidated public librarydistrict, the taxing authority and governing authority of thedistrict shall take appropriate action to transfer, within sixtydays following the approval or election, all title and interestin all property both real and personal in the name of thedistrict, to the board of trustees of the consolidated publiclibrary district. Upon the transfer of the title and interest inthe property, it shall become a part of the consolidated publiclibrary district.
5. If the tax levy for the district admitted is not at thesame rate as that of the consolidated public library district orif there is no tax levied in the district for the support ofpublic libraries, then at the beginning of the next taxing perioda tax or taxes shall be levied in the district admitted toconform to and be the same as that levied in the consolidatedpublic library district.
(L. 1972 H.B. 1114, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)*Word "be" does not appear in original rolls.