182.900. Any city in this state may maintain from its ownresources a free public library without the levy or collection ofa tax specifically designated for the support and maintenance ofsuch library. The governing body of the city may act as thelibrary board for the library and may designate city officers andemployees to serve in other capacities related to the operationof the library. The governing body of the city may accept fromany sources property or funds to be utilized for theestablishment, maintenance and support of the library. Any citymaintaining from its own resources a free public library withoutthe levy or collection of a tax specifically designated for thesupport and maintenance of such library shall be eligible forstate aid to public libraries under the provisions of chapterl8l, RSMo, if the support provided by the city for the publiclibrary is at least equal to the amount of revenue which would berealized by a tax of one mill if the library had been taxsupported.
(L. 1987 H.B. 179 & 307)