184.104. 1. In addition to any other informationprescribed for a particular notice, all notices given by a museumpursuant to sections 184.101 to 184.122 shall contain thefollowing information:
(1) The lender's or claimant's name;
(2) The lender's or claimant's last known address;
(3) A brief description of the property on loan to themuseum referenced in the notice;
(4) The date of the loan, if known, or the approximate dateof acquisition of the property;
(5) The name of the museum; and
(6) The name, address, and telephone number of theappropriate official or office to be contacted regarding theproperty.
2. All notices given by a museum pursuant to sections184.101 to 184.122 shall be mailed by restricted certified mailto the lender's or claimant's last known address shown on themuseum's records. Notice is deemed given as of the date ofreceipt by the lender or claimant if the museum receives proof ofreceipt by the lender or claimant within thirty days aftermailing the notice.
3. If, after a diligent search of its records, the museumdoes not know the identity of the lender, or does not have anaddress for the lender or claimant, or if proof of receipt is notreceived by the museum within thirty days of mailing a noticeunder subsection 2 of this section, notice is deemed given if themuseum publishes notice at least once each week for twoconsecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in boththe county, or city if appropriate, in which the museum islocated and the county, or city if appropriate, of the lender'sor claimant's last address, if known. The date of a notice underthis subsection shall be the date of the second published notice.For purposes of this section, a museum is located in the county,or city if appropriate, in which it has its principal place ofbusiness, or, if a loan of property was made to a branch of amuseum in the county, or city if appropriate, in which the branchis located.
(L. 1991 S.B. 344 ยง 3)Effective 12-31-91