184.604. 1. The board of directors of any metropolitan zoodistrict, as established pursuant to the provisions of section184.600, on behalf of the district may request the electionofficials of the city to submit a proposition to increase themaximum tax rate for the district set in section 184.600, to thequalified voters of such district at any general or primary orspecial election. Such election officials shall give legalnotice as provided in chapter 115, RSMo.
2. Such proposition shall be submitted to the voters insubstantially the following form at such election:
Shall the Metropolitan Zoo District of the City of ................ be authorized to increase the tax rate to an amount notto exceed ........... cents on each one hundred dollars ofassessed valuation of taxable property within the district forthe purpose of operating, maintaining and otherwise financiallysupporting the district? This rate shall replace the present taxrate of ......... cents for the Metropolitan Zoo District.
â ã YES â ã NO
3. In the event that a majority of the voters voting onsuch proposition in the district at such election cast votes"YES" for the proposition, then the new tax rate for the districtshall be in full force and effect as of the first day of the yearfollowing the election. The results of the election shall becertified by the election officials of the city not less thanthirty days after the day on which such election was held. Inthe event the proposition fails to receive a majority of thevotes "YES" in the district, then such proposition shall not beresubmitted at any election held within one year of the date ofthe election at which such proposition was rejected.
(L. 1990 S.B. 525 § 3)