184.805. 1. As used in sections 184.800 to 184.880, the followingterms mean:
(1) "Board", the board of directors of a district;
(2) "District", a museum district organized pursuant to sections184.800 to 184.880;
(3) "Museum", a building or area used for the purpose of exhibitingand/or preserving objects or specimens of interest to the public, includingbut not limited to art, items of natural history, and items connected withwildlife and conservation;
(4) "Owner of real property", the owner of the fee interest in thereal property, except that when the real property is subject to a lease often or more years, the lessee rather than the owner of the fee interestshall be considered as the "owner of real property". An owner may beeither a natural person or a juridical entity.
2. For the purposes of sections 11(c), 16 and 22 of article X of theConstitution of Missouri, section 137.073, RSMo, and as used in sections184.800 to 184.880, the following terms shall have the meanings given:
(1) "Approval of the required majority" or "direct voter approval", asimple majority;
(2) "Qualified voters", the owners of real property located withinthe proposed district or any person residing in the district who is a legalvoter within the district.
(L. 1997 S.B. 21)Effective 7-7-97