184.830. 1. Within thirty days after the order declaring thedistrict organized has become final, the circuit clerk of the county inwhich the petition was filed shall, give notice by causing publication tobe made once a week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of generalcirculation in the county, the last publication of which shall be at leastten days before the day of the meeting required by this section, call ameeting of the owners of real property within the district at a day andhour specified in a public place in the county in which the petition wasfiled for the purpose of electing a board of five directors, to be composedof owners or representatives of owners of real property in the district.
2. The owners of real property, when assembled, shall organize by theelection of a chairman and secretary of the meeting who shall conduct theelection. At the election, each acre of real property within the districtshall be considered as a voting interest, and each owner of real propertyshall have one vote in person or by proxy for every acre of real propertyowned within the district for each director to be elected. A director neednot be a legal voter of the district.
3. Each director shall serve for a term of three years and until hissuccessor is duly elected and qualified. Successor directors* shall beelected in the same manner as the initial directors at a meeting of theowners of real property called by the board. Each successor director shallserve a three-year term. The remaining directors shall have the authorityto elect an interim director to complete any unexpired term of a directorcaused by resignation or disqualification.
4. Directors shall be at least twenty-one years of age.
(L. 1997 S.B. 21)Effective 7-7-97
*Word "director" appears in original rolls.