188.043. 1. No person shall perform or induce a surgical or medicalabortion unless such person has proof of medical malpractice insurance withcoverage amounts of at least five hundred thousand dollars.
2. For the purpose of this section, "medical malpractice insurance"means insurance coverage against the legal liability of the insured andagainst loss, damage, or expense incident to a claim arising out of thedeath or injury of any person as a result of the negligence or malpracticein rendering professional service by any health care provider.
3. No abortion facility or hospital shall employ or engage theservices of a person to perform one or more abortions if the person doesnot have proof of medical malpractice insurance pursuant to this section,except the abortion facility or hospital may provide medical malpracticeinsurance for the services of persons employed or engaged by such facilityor hospital.
4. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 334.100, RSMo, failureof a person to maintain the medical malpractice insurance required by thissection shall be an additional ground for sanctioning of a person'slicense, certificate, or permit.
(L. 2003 H.B. 156)Effective 1-01-04
*This bill was vetoed on July 9, 2003. The veto was overridden on September 11, 2003.