188.335. 1. There is hereby established the "Missouri Alternativesto Abortion Public Awareness Program" which shall be administered by astate agency or agencies, as designated by appropriations to such or eachagency.
2. The purpose of the alternatives to abortion public awarenessprogram is to help pregnant women at risk for having abortions to be madeaware of the alternatives to abortion agencies located and alternatives toabortion services available to them in their local communities. Thealternatives to abortion public awareness program shall include thedevelopment and promotion of a web site which provides a geographicallyindexed list of alternatives to abortion agencies as well as contractorsfor the alternatives to abortion services program established in section188.325. As used in this section, "alternatives to abortion agencies"means agencies exempt from income taxation pursuant to the United StatesInternal Revenue Code that offer alternatives to abortion services asdefined within section 188.325, including but not limited to maternityhomes, pregnancy resource centers, and agencies commonly known and referredto as crisis pregnancy centers. The alternatives to abortion publicawareness program may also include but need not be limited to the use oftelevision, radio, outdoor advertising, newspapers, magazines, and otherprint media, and the Internet to provide information on these alternativesto abortion agencies and services. The state agency or agenciesadministering the alternatives to abortion public awareness program areencouraged to give first preference to contracting with private agencies orentities, which are exempt from income taxation pursuant to the UnitedStates Internal Revenue Code, to conduct the alternatives to abortionpublic awareness program. Contractors for the alternatives to abortionpublic awareness program may also be contractors for the alternatives toabortion services program established in section 188.325.
3. The agency or agencies administering the program shall to thegreatest extent possible supplement and match moneys appropriated for thealternatives to abortion public awareness program with federal and otherpublic moneys and with private moneys. The agency or agenciesadministering the program shall prioritize such additional federal, otherpublic, and private moneys so that they are used preferentially for thealternatives to abortion public awareness program and the alternatives toabortion services program.
4. The alternatives to abortion public awareness program and themoneys expended under this section shall not be used to perform or induce,assist in the performing or inducing of or refer for abortions. Moneysexpended under this section shall not be granted to organizations oraffiliates of organizations that perform or induce, assist in theperforming or inducing of or refer for abortions.
(L. 2007 H.B. 1055)